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What was said about the Gaza Monologues
- "Floating Space to take on the Gaza Monologues" by Sunday Times- Siri Lanka
- "A review of the Gaza Monologues" by Groundviews- Siri Lanka
- "Folk Arts: Gaza Monologues" by Al Ahram- Egypt
- "GAZA MONOLOGUES" by Cinnamon Zone- Palestine
- "The Gaza Monologues: An interview with Ruhanie Perera and Jake Oorloff" by Groundvies- Siri Lanka
- "The Gaza MonoLogues" by WBEZ News- US
- "Peturo to represent Zim at Gaza Monologues" News Day- Zimbabwe
- "Gaza Monologues were powerful" Las Vegas Optic- US
- "Golden Thread Presents 'The Gaza Monologues'" by American Town- US
- "The Gaza Monologues on 4 stages in 4 different swedish Cities" Radio Sweden Arabic- Sweden
This Article is in Arabic
- "From Gaza Youth.. to the world" Swissinfo- Switzerland
This Article in Arabic
- "The Gaza Monologues tour in Germany- 2014"
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